Internal Audits
The performance of internal audits by specialized companies (third parties) is seen by organizations as being a work that adds greater credibility in its management system, due to the fact that it presents several benefits, such as:
• impartiality in the processes;
• greater visibility of strengths or weaknesses in the system;
• high degree of confidentiality of information, among others.
The internal audits carried out by our company include the following activities:
• Audit by trained personnel;
• Presentation of strengths and weaknesses of the system;
• Report of nonconformities found;
• Presentation of conclusive report of the audit, diagnosing the current situation of the company;
• Follow-up on the treatment of non-conformities presented, identifying actions for their treatment;
• Verification of the effectiveness of the proposed actions;
• Closure of nonconformities.
- Presentation of improvement opportunities found.
Supplier Audits
Vendor or part 2 audits, as is commonly known, is one of the best ways for a company to analyze whether its suppliers are truly qualified and able to meet their needs.
When carried out by reputable and properly qualified companies, these audits add a lot of value to companies and their management system.
Our methodology for conducting these audits includes the following activities:
- Elaboration of check list that contemplates the main activities to be developed by the suppliers;
- Conduct of supplier audits;
- Preparation of an audit report;
- Presentation of strengths and weaknesses evidenced in the audit;
- Reports of nonconformities found;
- Presentation of improvement opportunities found.